Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Education is first here in Texas. . .but last on funding.

Education number one on our Loyal governor Perry's mind as many know. Also keep in mind Texas is at the bottom for funding education out of the other states. The latest issue dealt with down at the capital has been the core standards new standards they have given us to meet for the subject math. Texas out of three states decided not to sign the bill and also decided to make our own math standards. In regards to do so, the standards we made do not fit as competitive enough against other countries. Seeing something wrong?

We have had specialist come in to analyze our standards, they reviewed it and decided it wasn't anything close to the standards of the Common Core. The problem is that Texas first isn't really competing with other states here in the US because education isn't being put as number one priority for this state. While other states are trying to make an effort to fund so that they wouldn't have to cut teachers and schools, we are slicing schools and teachers especially in the urban areas, low income being the most appropriate words choice.

As Texans we can really put an end to this simply by getting involved, showing teachers we have their back, and spitting on the government about how serious education and our children's future is not only to us but the future of Texas. Changing the Math Standards is a good step success. If our math

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